Saturday, November 15, 2008

On the move...

Headed to Boston today---Saturday the 15th of November. Tim, Jeremy, Ricky and I are moving into an apartment in Brighton. Hopefully we will find flexible enough jobs to get us through the winter months and still work on promoting and even performing. I am anxious to say the least. Also far too contemplative these past few days...I'm sure I'll post about that soon. Back to last-minute packing.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


So I don't quite get my reaction to humor. (Random side note: spelling it humour doesn't piss me off like spelling color like colour or those other random British 'u' clue why) If I am watching a comedy alone I will most likely not laugh out-loud at all. I also don't *really* find them that funny when I watch them alone. But if I'm with other people who find it funny it somehow becomes funny for no reason known to me. There's the saying about laughter being contagious but I just can't believe that's all there is to it. I am a fairly humorless person on my own so what changes when I am with other people? about useless blog post.

In unrelated news, I am very uncomfortable with my lack of direction and productivity. Wait, did I say 'news'...?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


First off: Obama wins. Hellz freakin yeah. Looks like I won't be apartment hunting in Canada/Australia/New Zealand anytime soon :) (Random side note: I might not even be allowed to go to New Zealand as they have some weird health-standards that prevented a woman I know with an auto-immune disorder from going. ) The future is more hopeful and I am excited to experience where Obama's administration takes the country.

Secondly: our last two college performances were pretty darn great also. SUNY Cortland got rocked and were some of the most engaged students we've experienced and Johnson and Wales University was fun too! Four college gigs in one month is pretty darn sweet. We learned from each one and are confident in our ability to provide kick-ass entertainment to any event. Crappy sound systems, weird barriers between performers and audience and odd stages are no match for our rock!

Thirdly: We are probably moving to Boston in like a week. Dear lord that is frightening as I have no organization in my life as is and now need to help find an apartment and pack and clean and all that good stuff. This is pending Club Med NOT working out for us which would be sad. Bahamas in the winter would be swell as would seeing Dij again (he is awesome).

Blah, I've been inspired lately but had the whole 'going home to vote' and 'Crohn's disease rearing it's ugly head' thing these past two days to keep me from jump-starting things. Hopefully the hectic final week of our lease in this apartment will be a forced time of evaluation and consolidation in my life. Here's hoping...