Monday, April 14, 2008

yay, doing stuff!

So as I posted last time, I was not 'sold' on the quality of the fire show I was in but was in a good mindset to do it. It was lots of fun, mostly because I decided to have fun with the show but a large part of that goes to people not stressing and (for the most part) just having a good time. Think the small-ish (for Barefoot Monkey fireshow) audience enjoyed it and the seniors felt good about their last fire show. I was glad to contribute to that experience for them and believe it was a fantastic way for me to work on personal standards in performances. Plus it got me all excited about having loud music blast while dancing around with fire. I really believe a kick-ass fire show can still succeed. But would it be easier to write than a 'narrative' piece? The variety needs to be there much more in a general kick-ass show than in a narrative piece which can always draw on the theme/dramatic action. Meh, still a debate I need to clear up.

This past weekend not only gave me the great experience of getting pumped and having a blast spinning fire but reminded me how much fun I'd have playing soccer. The common theme I found was that I want to push myself really hard to the point of injury/exhaustion. It is insanely satisfying to collapse after a show, rehearsal, practice or game and also amazing to go out there and sacrifice my body for the ball (and maybe a real good hit on the opposing team's striker). Motivation has seemingly always been an issue for myself but once I can get myself into a groove I can see myself training to throw myself heedlessly in front of bigger, stronger people than me in pursuit of a multi-panel ball or training circus skills or writing amazing performances. Just need to get myself in that groove...

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