Tuesday, April 8, 2008

way too long

since i last posted. Lots to write about but I've been under the weather for several days. Gonna hit the big stuff though...

Had a mostly awesome trip to the left coast. Saw almost everyone I had been missing but didn't get to see all of the Dreamtime Circus folk (to be fair, many were either still in India or recovering). Got to learn a thing or two about myself as well as got to learn some acro-balancing techniques courtesy of the very talented Mike Templeton, and several cool spinning concepts courtesy of the fine instructors (and their guests) of Spinagogue. Good stuff.

Pretty successful trip to Harvey Mudd College where A Different Spin had a reunion of sorts and kicked ass teaching for five sunny hours (oops, no sunblock = nasty sunburn on my forehead. Mmm, peeling skin...) and entertained a fair number of their campus with a fire show in the evening. That show consisted of acts we had practiced the day before for the first time in 6 months and three never-before performed acts we semi-wrote that day before (and on the ride down mwhahaha). Was the show up to my silly standards? Of course not, but it was an overall good time which was a very great experience for me at the least. I went in with a different perspective as I knew we hadn't practiced together in forever, Alex had just gotten back from India and I personally hadn't spun fire since I saw them those 6 months ago. Even with that adjusted perspective I could very well have been disappointed with the quality but I think I have made personal strides recently and was able to enjoy the show for the good parts and laugh at all that went wrong.

The Harvey Mudd fire show will serve me well as I help the Barefoot Monkeys out with a fire show that is also not up to my usual standards (which I have no intention of really changing, I am merely becoming more ok with not reaching those high standards in all that I do). There are still plenty of good pieces to the show and I'm sure I can help people keep things fun once I can get my sick-ass back to the cold fire practices...though there are like four days till the show and Jeff is wearing thin on sanity. Hope he can stick on through and stay as positive as possible. Helping him have fun on Saturday is priority numero uno in my book.

The OTHER Monkey show I am joining is interesting...I am both excited and frustrated by it. Just like the Parents Weekend Fire Show the time available to prepare may play way too large a part in the 'effectiveness' of the show. But I think it is a great attempt by the club to try something different even if it doesn't meet initial hopes and expectations. I have no real idea how the overall show will be but I can say there will be some damn fun juggling :) I'm really not sure why passing clubs and torches is so personally rewarding but there ya have it. Maybe the juggling act will also dramatically fulfill it's purpose but I know there will be cool passing patterns and at least I plan on having a good time. Once the fire show is done maybe things will come together much more easily for those involved in this long 'daytime' circus show and it will fly into creating a wonderous event. But it WILL be a great experience nonetheless and I look forward to it.

My head is all stuffy thought-wise so I think that'll about do it for now. Hopefully I will kick my own ass into gear and post more now that I am back and attempting to find what is oft called a 'groove'.

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