Saturday, September 13, 2008


So I've been M.I.A from the blogosphere and I have no real excuse. I fail. Deal with it.

A Different Spin (East Coast) started the 10-day boot camp where we become ninjas in the circus and fire arts world this past Wednesday. Day one of the boot camp was impeded by a ridiculously cute stray kitten. I am completely serious. After coaxing it out from under the leasing office (where it had been mewling for about an hour) with ham and a saucer of milk, it promptly changed from been terrified of us by being completely attached. During our juggling and poi rehearsals it would weave from person to person, mewling and rubbing up against our legs in the cutest 'love me' manner ever. Tim is allergic to cats so he was having none of it but he melted from time to time nonetheless by the overpowering cuteness of this tiny over-sized-earred fluffy animal. After a quick break for lunch we returned to find it wanting to play more but felt it was too distracting so we should move to the other grassy field...except now the kitten had determined we were the ones to stick by through thick and thin. It scampered up the hill, dodged a few slow cars and pattered after us to the other field where it continued its penchant for weaving around our legs regardless of clubs and poi that would come zooming for its head despite our best efforts to avoid it (a really cute kitten rubbing against your legs does NOT allow for your complete focus on juggling). Jeremy achieved 'mother' status with our new friend and received many the heart-melting leg-hug---basically tiny, mostly-coordinated kitten would get up on its hind legs and struggle to put both front paws around Jeremy's calf. Eventually claws became involved yet Jeremy seemed to juggle extremely well anyway. Next up...the daschund who did not make our friend flee but rather incited its ire somehow and caused a magnetic effect ending in an archbacked kitten hissing at a confused daschund whose owner eventually picked up the dog and attempted to flee, pursued by the little hissing factory. A quick scoop from Jeremy dissolved the situation until our cuddly friend was placed on the ground, looked around, found the daschund and made a beeline for him again. This time I scooped but the same result of the chase continued. We gave up, the kitten was rescued by two early college-aged girls and all was well in the world...except I miss the cutest little oblivious ball of fur I've met :(


Nekkid Ape said...

New "A Different Spin" Mascot: the pissed off kitten.

Unknown said...