Friday, September 26, 2008

mixed feelings

The preview show at Vassar on Friday 9/19 was pretty darn good. We were able to gauge where we were after our ten days of hardcore practicing and the readings were comforting. Torch juggling is still something we need practice with but our fire show will be really amazing once we get a few more nights of practice so that our comfort level is where it needs to be. The day show was an overall success---it has a fair amount of audience participation, some great humor, a fun finale and impressive skills throughout. The future for A Different Spin on the east coast looks great from a product standpoint. And we have gigs! ( Three high-paying ones are locked up with another in the works and two smaller-paying opportunities are locked up as well (they will have fewer performers, hence the smaller pay). We also maybe able to negotiate a performance for our apartment complex in exchange for our November rent. Go, Jeremy, go!

On the negative side of things, I am fairly terrified about the future of our country. The current economic crisis is extremely worrisome and the $700 billion proposed plan is downright catastrophic in it's non-reviewable, unprecedented power form. Beyond that is the prospect of a country run by McCain and the beast that is Sarah Palin. If Obama loses I may have no choice but to look to start life in another country...

1 comment:

Scott said...

Hey. Awesome about the first part, and if Obama does manage to blow what I still think is his election to lose, I've met a few Europeans who are pretty cool, and so we're good if you and I need couches to crash on while we search for homes outside the USA.