Sunday, January 11, 2009

More visitors, more progress

Well, we definitely have had more visitors---Katia, Karen, Mike, Claire, and Sasha have all joined the list of folk braving our lovely little apartment here in Brighton. I feel like I got burnt out on our first round of visitors so I haven't had the energy to bounce around with them.

To be fair, I'm also getting anxious trying to get A Different Spin moving more which doesn't leave me too fresh to socialize. We've done a good job of stopping by Boston University's Center for Fine Arts and practicing more...well, practicing at ALL is better than before so I won't whine about 'how much' time we've spent practicing. At the least we've come up with a neat variation on the juggling pattern 'Shooting Star' that involves 11 clubs and 4 jugglers with lots of movement. It's pretty much ready to throw into a show and this Friday should see it's debut for the unsuspecting public. Ah yes, Friday. Friday is going to be a dorktastic evening as we are performing with a bunch of other local circus performers as well as the fantastic Emperor Norton's Stationary Marching Band at the Arisia Science Fiction Convention. Should be a story at the least :)

The circus promo video hit a snag when Jeremy realized he lacked his firewire. Bah. That will hopefully arrive Monday and (if we are extremely lucky and don't need anymore footage) the video should be done by the end of next week. A week late but done is done as they say. The website overall looks pretty darn good. You can check it out at to see what all the fuss has been about. A few photos are missing but it is definitely a solid representation of what we want to use to 'sell ourselves'. And no, not in that way, you dirty-minded reader. Jeeze, kids today...


Nekkid Ape said...

As in "Emperor Norton I" the first, last, and only emperor of the United States of America?

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for letting us invade when you have so much to do. I'm really happy I got the chance to see you before I fly away again.