Tuesday, February 19, 2008


This is gonna be one all-over post...

I can't wait until I am done with work. Too many little things crop up that I need to do on my days off (and/or I'm sick from my lovely immuno modulator meds or having discomfort from my work hours that carries over to the next day) that I haven't been able to get into a good routine of circus training and 'writing'. Excuses will be out the window once this job is over within the next week or so.

As for that 'writing' I have already been muddling it through my head a bit and am wondering where to start. I want to have a better handle on what I want to DO before I start sketching out ideas. I emailed the two email addresses on E.S. Posthumus' website a month ago with a vague teaser of the idea of a concert event with fire performers and haven't heard anything back. Maybe I need to have a really solid idea before I do that, maybe that email was too vague and didn't have any visuals to show. I am beginning to dislike the maybes...

I believe in the viability of a performance group that does one of two things:

1) performs at festivals and corporate events, doing a kick-ass fire show, some good ole' atmospheric circus and magic daytime work, and workshops and/or daytime 'shows' if wanted. A Different Spin did this in Orangeville last summer and is going to do it again this summer. This can bring in very solid money and doesn't require much continued effort after the first one as the material is mostly there.

2) some sort of narrative fire show with a band (Coheed and Cambria?) or music producers (E.S. Posthumus?) to create a unique entertainment event. Not a regular concert and not Cirque. A rockin middle ground.

Of course there are lots of issues that exist in making either of these work. The first option is pretty easy really but still requires that someone is learning where to find the gigs. I have no clue. Is there a cool "founders' fairs" website where we can find the places willing to shell out $5,000+ for a day or two of amazing entertainment? The price is maybe even low but reasonable by any stretch of the imagination. If things had gone differently out in California I might be able to answer that question of where to go to find more gigs or even seeing how the idea plays out but such is life...

The issue for the second option is well uh...EVERYTHING. You gotta start from scratch and write a whole show. And the scope of it is pretty big---it's pretty much writing a play/musical, choreographing a ballet, and getting the cast and crew to do that. And do you do that without first having a band/musical producer? Part of me thinks writing a show to all E.S. Posthmus music would be a great idea---have something to show them that is not only impressive but reduces their need to invest time to get things started. I have a reservation that all the time and work to create something that could be scrapped. But that is one I should throw out the window. If it gets the opportunity to make the vision a reality the time and energy was worth it. Yay for removing my reservation by writing about it :) But the scope issue still exists. I started tackling this by compiling a list of cast (performers) and crew (lights/sound, music mixing types) that I've met and think may even have a sliver of interest. It's not a very big list. It has a few question marks for people I haven't seen perform much, personalities I'm not sure would work well with me or others and many concerns over how much they could buy into this idea at this point in their life.

This list is a start. It doesn't make sense to contact the people on it yet, though. As I mentioned earlier, I need a better idea of what it is this will BE before I take the next step. Before I find out how many of the people I already know will join in making this ridiculous vision, whatever it ends up being, happen.

As scattered as this post has been I feel like it's given me a bit of a push to get moving on this. I can't wait until I'm done with work...


Surei said...

For whatever its worth, I admire and have a lot of confidence in you Mooch! The narrative fire show is a really ambitious idea, but soo exciting.. I selfishly hope you work on it... because I'd really want to go to something like that! :D

Emily Maltby said...

I like the idea you put out there in point #2. I'd def pay for that. The thing is, I'm not sure most people would. Cirque is "the show" and it appeals to the masses of all ages. I imagine your idea would do really well on college campuses, etc., if you have a trippy story line and/or music like Coheed. My guess is that once you get off the ground, you're going to need a kick-ass marketing campaign to get to that audience. I do believe that audiences will appreciate, want and pay for that kind of entertainment, but those are not all-encomasing audiences. I dunno... just a thought.

Nekkid Ape said...

Did we not get a video of that closing we did to Pompeii during parents weekend 2006(?) That might be a good thing to send to them as a place to start. A sort of "see, this is kinda what I'm talking about".