Sunday, February 24, 2008


so looking forward to this week. a bit bittersweet as though this is my last week at work it is also the week where I will travel home twice to do some yahrtzeit services with my dad for my mom.

I say bittersweet but it's actually quite fitting now that I think about it. My mom wanted nothing more than for me to be happy. She always believed in what I was doing, whether it was jazz, soccer or circus (or academics of course). A big part in my eventual decision to leave California---even with some progress shown and perhaps a glimmer of future potential---was because of her dying (sidenote: I've found I dislike the phrase 'passing away'. It tries to pretty-up and lessen a loss. It is a loss. It hurts. Acknowledge that). She had her reservations about my traveling to Oakland after graduation. Those reservations were partly rooted in her failing health and my recent diagnosis with Crohns. But I know she was also very worried about how I would handle possible failure/realization that my goals couldn't be attained. She knows I am hard on myself and the last thing she wanted was for me to be stressed and unhappy, and I believe that superseded her health concerns. When I called to give updates and didn't sound happy about where things were going I could tell she was worried and upset.

So I will have my last week of work, which marks the beginning of a new lifestyle and mindset, with a week where I remember my mom. Quite fitting.


Emily Maltby said...

Thinking of you in these next weeks, kid...I'm here if you wanna chat... Any time. Seriously.

Nekkid Ape said...

mooch, consider yourself reciprocally linked.

Mooch said...

i feel we are somehow bonded in a deep, intricate, intrawebby way now...

Nekkid Ape said...
