Friday, February 15, 2008


This blog will definitely serve as a soap-box of sorts and a place for me to dump some unsettling musings I have in my head. I am going to do my best to avoid too much existential nonsense and in all parts of my life I hope to be a bit less emo than I have been :)

The biggest struggle I've found for myself over the past year or two (other than dealing with unrealized potential) is the response to the negative aspects of life with "that's the way it is for everyone, just deal". The result of most 9-5 jobs is coming home to cook/heat up food and then veg out and watch TV (and extremely rarely is that TV 'good' in being educational or inspirational) and finally go to bed mentally and inspirationally exhausted to begin the cycle again the next day. I have a few friends who enjoy their jobs but I think they still end up in this cycle. Why do they do it? Even if you get pleasure from work at some points, isn't the low-energy lull post-work an issue that shouldn't just be shrugged off? Of course there is bound to be a downside of sorts to pretty much any work situation but isn't it reasonable to require more than we tend to? What are you moving towards in your earning money (as this is usually the easiest excuse for staying with a job)? Who are you making happy by staying in the situation you are currently in?

These are questions that I hope everyone poses to themselves fairly frequently. Enjoy your happiness by all means, but be self-reflective at any given time. And above all, do not forget how good we have it compared to so many people not just in other countries but here in the US. We have fantastic opportunities to create something fantastic and it's (to me at least) wrong to waste those opportunities.

Life for you, has been less than kind
So take a number, stand in line
We've all been sorry, we've all been hurt
But how we survive, is what makes us who we are
-Rise Against

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